Key Takeaways

Mould on your mattress can be a very unpleasant and potentially dangerous problem. Not only can it cause health issues, but it can also attract pests and other harmful organisms. Fortunately, removing mould from your mattress is not as difficult as you think. 

You can easily eliminate mould and keep your mattress looking and smelling fresh with the right instructions and products. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to effectively remove mould from your mattress. 

We'll also tell you what products and materials you need to do the job right. With these tips, you'll be able to get rid of mould quickly and easily and keep your mattress in top condition for years to come. 

how to remove mould from a mattress

What Cause Mould In Your Mattress

Mould can only continue to thrive in cool, damp places where it won't be disturbed. The mattress cover helps by blocking light and wicking away perspiration while you sleep. 

Dark Environment

Mould thrives in a dark, damp environment, and your mattress can provide just that. The moist air from your body heat and sweat, combined with the lack of light, creates a prime breeding ground for mould spores.

An American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology study found that dark environments are more likely to be affected by mould growth than lighter environments. 


When there’s too much moisture in the air or on your mattress, it creates a breeding ground for mould spores. These spores then settle on the mattress surface and can start to grow over time if they aren’t removed.

The most common sources of excess moisture are high humidity levels, condensation from other parts of the house, damp bedding or clothing left on the bed, and liquid spills that aren’t cleaned up quickly enough. 

How To Know If There is Mould On My Mattress?

Mould is a common problem, especially in humid climates. It can cause health issues and costly damage to your mattress. But how do you know if mould has made its way onto your mattress? Here are some telltale signs that you may have a mould problem:


Look at the surface of your mattress for any discolouration or spots which can indicate mould growth. Colour changes are typically yellow or green, but black spots could also indicate growth.

Unpleasant Odour 

If you notice a musty smell coming from your mattress, it may be due to mould growth. Mould releases spores which can cause an unpleasant smell that lingers in the air around your bed.


Stains on the surface of the mattress are another sign that mould may be present. These stains may look like darkened patches on the fabric. This occurs when moisture has been trapped in the material and caused mould spores to grow and thrive instead of evaporating away as normal water would normally. 

Allergy Symptoms

If you start experiencing allergies after sleeping on your mattress, this could be due to a buildup of dust mites or mould. 

How To Remove Moulds From A Mattress

1. Remove Bed Sheets 

Firstly, take off all of the bed sheets and pillowcases. Put them in the washing machine with detergent and hot water.

2. Vacuum Your Mattress 

Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to suck up any loose dirt or dust that could be harbouring mould spores. Make sure you pay special attention to seams, crevices, and tufts where mould might hide.

3. Soap The Mouldy Area 

Once you’ve vacuumed the entire mattress, use a sponge, or soft cloth dipped in soapy water (dishwashing liquid will do) to gently but firmly clean the affected area of your mattress. Be careful not to press too hard when scrubbing, as this could damage your mattress further.

4. Rinse the Area 

Soaked in hot water and wrung out Take care not to introduce too much moisture to the mattress by soaking the cloth since this will promote additional mould growth. 

5. Dry The Area

Put it outside in the sun. It will prevent further mould growth while the mattress is drying out. sunlight kills mould. 

6. Use Baking Soda To Absorb All Liquid

Once you’ve finished cleaning off all of the moulds, sprinkle baking soda liberally over the area to help absorb any remaining liquid or moisture from the affected area of your mattress

How To Prevent Mould Under Mattress

1. Keep the Area Dry

Mould needs moisture to grow, so a dehumidifier or air conditioner must keep the area under the mattress dry.

2. Regularly Check for Wet Spots

It’s also a good idea to regularly check for wet spots on the mattress, as this can be an indicator of a leaky pipe or other issues that could lead to mould growth.

3. Use a Mattress Cover

A waterproof mattress cover helps prevent moisture from getting into the mattress. Moisture i a breeding ground for mould and mildew spores.

4. Clean Up Quickly After Spills

If you experience any spills on your mattress, clean them up quickly and thoroughly with an antimicrobial cleaner like bleach or vinegar solution. This will help reduce any chances of mould growth.

5. Elevate your bed

If possible, elevate your bed off the floor to increase air circulation beneath it and help reduce moisture buildup (and thus reduce the chance of mould growth). 


1. What Kills Mould On Mattress?

White vinegar, tea tree oil, lemon juice or isopropyl alcohol

2. Can I Sleep On A Mouldy Mattress

If a mattress smells musty or moulds, it's not safe to sleep on. It's crucial to get rid of the mould or get a new mattress as soon as you identify a problem because of the potential for short-term and long-term health effects. 

3. Can Mold On Mattress Make You Sick

Yes, it can.

4. Can I Leave Vinegar On Mold Overnight?

No. Spray vinegar onto the mould area and leave it for one hour. Afterwards, use a wet cloth to remove debris and dry the area completely. If there is a scent, it should dissipate after a few hours.

5. How Fast Does Mold Grow In Mattress

The Federal Emergency Management Agency reports that mould can begin developing on surfaces after 24 to 48 hours (3) and can spread rather quickly, especially in areas with high humidity. 


Mould can be found in many different types of places, often in hidden spots that you wouldn't think would bother you. Whether on the kitchen counter, on the TV remote, or inside your mattress, it can make you and your family very sick if it grows in your home.

If you find yourself with a mouldy mattress, you can remove the mould from your mattress by using different remedies and cleaning products. The most important thing to remember is to be prepared. Make sure you have the right equipment, supplies, and know-how to remove the mould from your mattress. 

If you use these tools and take care of your mattress, you should be able to keep it free of these types of problems.


Kids and pets are gifts from heaven. But sometimes, the mess they leave can be daunting. If you have kids and pets, there is a high chance that you have experienced a urine accident more than once. 

No place is safe, not even your mattress.

When urine soaks up in a mattress and stays too long, it causes the mattress to smell horrible. In the worst cases, it will ruin your mattress and give the whole room a nasty odour.

However, just because your mattress has been tainted with urine doesn’t mean you have to condemn it. You can clean it effectively such that it still looks and smells good. Almost as if nothing happened. 

In this article, we will show the best step-by-step process on how to clean urine stains from a mattress and prevent them from soaking up.
how to clean urine stains on mattress

Effective Ways to Clean Urine From Your Mattress 

Once you notice that your toddler or pet has released some on your bed, you need to clean it off immediately so it doesn’t soak in deeper into your mattress. However, if you don’t clean it off properly, you risk having an unpleasant smell from your mattress. 

Stale urine has a very strong acidic odour. This is because urine contains uric acid and can cause bacteria. 

How To Remove Dry Urine Stain From Mattress 

When urine dries on the mattress, it is difficult to get it out, especially if you use the “blotting” approach. Therefore, you must try a more active approach and a stronger cleaning solution.

The cleaning solution used in removing urine stains from the mattress is more concentrated than the one used in cleaning the fresh urine from the mattress. 

But, you should use a milder cleaning solution when cleaning urine stains from your child’s mattress. 

1. Remove Bed Sheets 

Once you notice urine stains on your mattress, strip the bed of bedding. Remove the bedsheets. Create a mattress stain remover solution using 3 tbsp baking soda. Hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp dish soap in a spray bottle. 

2. Blot Urine Area

Apply a generous amount of the solution in the spray bottle to the stained areas and allow it to soak in. 

3. Sprinkle Baking Soda 

After the applied mixture has dried, sprinkle baking soda on the surface and allow for some hours. 

4. Vacuum Your Mattress  

Vacuum off the remaining baking soda and check to see if there are still stains. If there are still stains, repeat the process till the stains are no more. 

Removing Dried Urine From Your Mattress

It is best to use a tougher cleaning solution in cleaning urine stains from your mattress because the urine is already dried. Ensure you allow the cleaning solution to soak fully into the stained area to eliminate stains and odour. 

When the stained area is completely soaked with the cleaning solution, the urine is pulled upwards by the baking soda as the solution dries, and then the hydrogen peroxide evaporates. 

Note: Hydrogen peroxide is unsuitable for some materials because of its bleaching properties. Therefore, you must test the peroxide on a tiny area before you proceed to bigger stains. 

For example, Peroxide can discolour Memory foam and possibly harm the material. To prevent bleaching, use it sparingly and make sure to remove any colourful bedding from the area.

Sometimes, your pet’s urine smells worse than that of humans because of its chemical components. It would be best to completely eradicate every trace of your pet’s urine on your mattress. 

This would require a little more help, unlike when it's just human urine. You will need baking soda, enzyme cleaner, vacuum, white vinegar, and essential oil. 

Unlike in removing human urine, where you have to blot out the stained areas, there is no blotting here. You apply baking soda directly to the stained surface. The baking powder absorbs the moisture and draws up the urine out of your mattress. 

Vacuum the soiled baking powder (as the baking powder absorbs the moisture, it darkens) and replace it with a fresh one. Continue this process until the baking powder from the mattress becomes white. 

You can now clean the urine like a normal human’s, as most of the pet’s urine has been drawn up. However, in the cases of stronger odours, use an enzyme cleaner. 

How Do You Prevent Urine Accidents From Your Mattress? 

You will most likely experience a urine accident if you have toddlers or pets. So it is best to prepare to prevent it.

You take preventive measures by protecting your mattress, pillows, and even duvets with sealed protectors. You can use waterproof mattress covers or cushion with soft fibres to help you feel relaxed at night.

It is advisable to get these covers because they also protect your bed from dust mites and bacteria. A clean mattress is one of the best ways to have a good night’s sleep. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What Can I Use To Clean Urine From Mattress?

2. How Long Should I Leave Baking Soda On Mattress? 

You can leave baking soda on your mattress between 30 minutes and 24 hours. 

3. Should I Put Baking Soda On Your Mattress?

Yes, baking soda is a critical ingredient in mattress cleaning. It absorbs the dirt and urine on the mattress and also eliminates odours. 

4. How Do I Remove Old Urine Stains? 

You can use an enzyme-based Cleaner to remove old urine stains. 

5. How Do I Remove Dried Urine Stains?

Soak the bedding overnight in a solution of vinegar and water. Then, wash as usual in the morning. Repeat soaking in the solution if the dried urine stains are still there.

Hire Professional Mattress Cleaning Services

Your bed is the best place to get a good night’s sleep. However, you cannot enjoy one if you have to endure horrible urine smells. To prevent ruining your mattress when trying to remove the smell and stains, it is advisable to seek professional services. 

This is where Top comes to the rescue. Our mattress cleaning services in Melbourne and Brisbane are available to ensure you have a comfortable and healthy mattress. Our safe cleaning methods will help you remove ALL traces of urine stains and smell from your mattress. 

Contact us now to book an appointment or learn more about our services. You deserve a healthy and comfortable bed to enjoy every night.

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